I personally think that love at first seen is not possible. There are a lot of stories of people that had "expierenced" this thought, maybe there could be a first physical atraction but in my opinion love needs time.Love needs time so the couple can "fall in love", and they could know each other, know about their life, family, problems,etc.
People that have had love at first seen could be in a very serious risk. Starting just with knowing that they can get in love of a dangerous person or a very relaxed one. Love at first seen could define your life,but sometimes is could be a good thing and you could possibly find a good couple.
People that have had love at first seen could be in a very serious risk. Starting just with knowing that they can get in love of a dangerous person or a very relaxed one. Love at first seen could define your life,but sometimes is could be a good thing and you could possibly find a good couple.